7 Signs A Man Is Infatuated With You: Don’t Be Confused

You might be wondering how to spot the signs a man is infatuated with you since most men do well to mask their emotions.

Indeed, society raised a wrong model for men never to show their emotions.

According to the theory, any show of emotions is a sign of weakness.

But it’s a fallacy.

Unfortunately, most men grew with that mindset and have mastered the act of masking whatever they feel – happiness, love, sadness, anger, and, in this context, infatuation.

Although they can be confusing, do not mistake love for infatuation.

The earlier you learn how to distinguish between the signs for both of them, the better for you.

It’ll also help you easily spot a man’s intentions towards you and treat him accordingly.

Even if a man doesn’t show you or tell you expressly that he’s infatuated with you, there are telltale signs that can give him away.

Stay with me as we discuss these telltale signs a man is infatuated with you.

7 Telltale Signs A Man Is Infatuated With You

1. You can do no wrong in his eyes

Signs a man is infatuated with you
Infatuation is an unrealistic love.

One of the signs a man is infatuated with you is that you can do no wrong in his eyes.

It’s not logical.

He holds you in very high esteem to the extent that you can do no wrong in his eyes.

He literally worships the ground you walk on.

In his opinion, you’re the best thing ever to grace Mother Earth with your presence.

If anyone looks at the center of his world, you’re sitting pretty right there.

He stares at you with dreamy eyes, like you’re the ninth wonder of the world.

Well, all these will only happen at the initial stage.

Once the infatuation begins to wear off, he’ll start seeing you as an average human.

And humans have flaws.

But the thing with infatuation is that it’s unrealistic.

So discovering that you have flaws will come as a rude shock to him.

He’ll be out of your life as quickly as he came in when reality sets in.


2. He acts desperate toward you

One of the clear signs a man is infatuated with you is his desperation toward you.

A guy who is infatuated with you will want to move things a notch higher in just a few days or weeks of meeting with you.

You’ll notice that the guy is trying to move your association (you can’t call what you have with him a relationship) as fast as he can.

For instance, he may want to meet with your family or even announce to everyone that he’s in love with you.

Don’t be surprised if he asks you to marry him within this time.

He’s merely infatuated with you.

His desperation is a result of him thinking that you’re near perfect.

He only sees the good in you and focuses on what he likes about you.

A desperate guy can do anything and go to any length to be with you and have you to himself.


3. He changes himself to please you

Signs a man is infatuated with you
If he’s infatuated with you, he’ll change himself to please you.

You’ll notice that he acts differently from his usual self when he’s around you.

He aims to impress you always, so whenever he’s around you, he does only the things that he thinks will impress you.

You might confirm this, especially when his friends say that he has changed since he met you.

For instance, he can start dressing the way you want your man to dress.

He can start talking or walking in a certain way.

In addition, he may adopt your hobbies to impress you and spend more time with you.

He’s doing all these for you to like him.

It doesn’t matter to him if you genuinely like him for who he is.

All he wants is for you to like him.

In my opinion, infatuation is exhausting, especially the part where you have to do what you don’t like just to impress someone.

Eventually, he’ll get tired of pretending to be someone who he’s not.


4. You’re all up in his head

Signs a man is infatuated with you
When a guy is infatuated with you, you are all up in his head.

You’re all he thinks and talks about.

You’ll get this information from the people who are close to him.

Even if they’re having an unrelated discussion, he’ll find a way to bring up your name in the conversation.

It might seem cute at first, but it will get tiring along the line.

You’ll begin to wonder if he’s not only infatuated but also obsessed with you.


5. He spends too much time with you

Signs a man is infatuated with you
A sign of infatuation is evident in the amount of time a man spends with you.

It feels great for someone to want to spend time with you, enjoy your company, and get to know you better.

However, there’s a thin line between doing things moderately and doing too much.

Everyone wants to spend time alone from time to time.

A guy may be infatuated with you if he always wants to spend time with you.

You’ll also notice that he goes out of his way to make time to spend with you.

Let’s say he cancels his important engagements to tag along with you to an event that’s not important or just to spend time with you.

If you let him, a guy who is infatuated with you will spend twenty-four hours of his day with you.

No kidding!

You’ll start feeling suffocated by his constant presence.

You might find it adorable in the beginning, but with time, it’ll begin to irritate you.


6. Most of your conversations are about flirting

Signs a man is infatuated with you
It can be flattering when a guy who is interested in you is showering you with compliments and flirting with you.

But it becomes worrisome if he can’t hold a proper conversation with you.

If all your conversations are about flirting, he’s infatuated with you.

Flirting occasionally is normal.

It shows that he’s still interested in you.

But is he flirting day in and day out?

It’s disturbing and says a lot about how the guy views you.

You should be able to talk about other things and aspects of your life.

The key to a healthy relationship lies in striking a balance between romance and other parts of your life.

You’ll find that a guy who is infatuated with you will lose interest whenever you bring up any topic that’s not directed at flirting.

If he genuinely loves you, he’ll be interested in knowing everything about you.


7. He wants to get intimate with you immediately

Signs a man is infatuated with you
A man who wants to get into your pants immediately after you meet is likely infatuated with you.

Usually, in a new relationship, it’ll take you some time to initiate physical touches such as hugs, holding hands, pecks, etc, let alone getting intimate.

But infatuation will make a guy want to get intimate with you as fast as he can.

It may be the only thing keeping him interested in and around you.


Can Infatuation Become Love?

Signs a man is infatuated with you

Infatuation can turn into love.

For some people, the first stage of falling in love is infatuation.

With proper grooming, infatuation can turn into love.

But that doesn’t mean that everyone goes through the infatuation stage before falling in love.


Love and infatuation are two different things.

A man who is infatuated with you will develop strong feelings for you.

However, those feelings will fade away after some time.

Now that you’ve seen the signs a man is infatuated with you, you’ll be able to distinguish between love and infatuation easily.

It’ll also help you know what any man wants from you and respond appropriately.

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