9 Ways Men Apologize Without Saying “I’m Sorry”

Ways Men Apologize Without Saying 'I’m Sorry'

Personally, I would prefer it if someone said, “I’m sorry,” when they wronged me.  So, if you are the same, I completely understand. However, I have come to understand that relationships are a give-and-take; if we insist on everything we want, we may damage the relationship.  Sometimes, we need to shift grounds for a relationship …

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8 Things Happy Couples Never Argue About

Things Happy Couples Never Argue About

If you’ve been married long enough, you most likely already know that when it comes to arguments, anything can cause them. Something as little as a cup or a towel can lead to an argument that becomes a fight so big you begin to question your choice of partner. It’s just how marriage is. Anything …

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10 Things Men Notice About Women That Women Don’t Realize

Things Men Notice About Women That Women Don't Realize

I rounded up the guys for this one because I knew I wouldn’t be accurate if I wrote this assuming I knew men enough to write about them.  Thankfully, I have brothers, friends, and colleagues who were willing to help the sisters out with the things men notice about women that we don’t realize.  Even …

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8 Signs He’s Emotionally Invested In The Affair

Signs He’s Emotionally Invested in the Affair

If you don’t agree, this might seem like a terrible idea to you, but some women find it easier to handle a physical affair.  The logic behind it is that it doesn’t mean anything if the emotions are not involved.  This follows the belief in some quarters that men are naturally polygamous, and it means …

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9 Things Physical Intimacy Means To A Woman

things Physical Intimacy Means to a Woman

I remember my first real kiss as if it were just yesterday. It’s been years, almost ages since it happened, but I still remember how it happened. It was fast, awkward, and definitely not the best of kisses. But another thing I strangely remember about it is how I felt when it happened. I didn’t …

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7 Lies Men Tell To Justify Their Affair

Lies men tell to justify their affair

There are people who find it easier to give a thousand and one reasons for their bad behavior than to own up and admit that they did something wrong.  The same goes for men who have affairs.  They already know that it is wrong for them to cheat on their partner.  However, they can’t seem …

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When A Man Is Obsessed With His Wife: He Does These 10 Things

when a man is obsessed with his wife, he does these things

Because of the nature of the word “Obsession,” we must clarify the type of obsession we’re discussing every time we use it. Anyone who has experienced obsession in its raw form knows that it’s a crazy thing, a twisted and weird expression of love. When a man is obsessed with a woman, his love becomes …

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When He Claims He Loves Both Of You: 9 Things It Means

When he claims to love both of you: things it means

Have you ever witnessed a situation where a man claims to love two women but doesn’t know who to choose between them?  It might sound unbelievable and funny, but it happens.  The word ‘love’ has been misconstrued countless times, and its true meaning seems to be lost on some people.  If a man claims to …

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