How Long Does It Take To Forgive Someone For Cheating?

How Long Does It Take To Forgive Someone For Cheating?

Have you ever wondered, just as I have been wondering, how long does it take to forgive someone for cheating? Infidelity in marriage or a relationship can be very hurtful. It affects not just your partner but also your children, if you have any, bringing all that you have built in years to nothing. While …

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Why Do Guys Only Want To Sleep With Me? – 8 Reasons

Why Do Guys Only Want To Sleep With Me?

You’re a beautiful young woman, and your desire for love and to be loved is intense. You’re looking forward to a blossoming relationship that will lead to marriage. But alas! All the guys you’re meeting want nothing other than your body. Whenever you meet them, they seem like the one you’ve been waiting for all …

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Why Do Good-looking Guys Get Rejected By Women? – 9 Reasons

Why Do Good-looking Guys Get Rejected By Women?

It is true that looks give you an advantage in gaining any lady’s heart, but I’m sure you must have come across handsome men sharing their stories of rejection from ladies. We must establish that anyone can get rejected by the other person they’re interested in. This might come as a shock because we sometimes …

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7 Things A Married Man Should Never Buy For Another Woman

Things A Married Man Should Never Buy For Another Woman

Selecting a suitable gift for a friend of the opposite sex can be difficult sometimes. This could be because it is really hard for males to know what a female will genuinely appreciate due to gender differences. However, it gets even more difficult when you are married and considering what should be a suitable gift …

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“Why Do I Attract The Wrong Guys?” – 7 Reasons

"Why Do I Attract The Wrong Guys?"

The role that physical attraction plays in choosing the partner you prefer can’t be underestimated. Everyone has the type of specifications they prefer in a partner. It’s absolutely normal to be attracted to a specific body type, height, eye color, or skin color. These are all part of those physical attributes that contribute to how …

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“Why Do I Attract Intense Guys?” – 6 Reasons

Intensity in a relationship can be either a good or bad thing, depending on the situation. Many people have said that intense partners are the best, while others say that too much intensity is not good for a relationship. Whether this is true or not, I will leave you to judge that. If you have …

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“Why Does My Husband Lie To Me?” -10 Possible Reasons

In any marriage, honesty acts as one of the pillars for it to be successful. A man and woman who have come together as one are expected to be ‘naked and unashamed’ or vulnerable with one another. Let’s consider honesty as a foundation and view marriage as a structure resting on it. When the husband …

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The 14 Types Of Guys Who Stay Single

Types Of Guys Who Stay Single

A man can decide to stay single for a plethora of reasons. Some choose that single life, while some find themselves single. It could be that the man is afraid of the responsibility of being in a relationship because he is too involved in his career to even consider it. All the reasons why some …

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9 Signs You Are In An Unhappy Marriage

Why Do Guys Only Want To Sleep With Me?

“By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll be happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”- Socrates. The cool morning air and the evergreen words of Socrates resonate with me as I contemplate the issue of unhappy marriages and divorces in our times. It is a sad situation, …

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10 Subtle Signs You Resent Your Partner

Signs You Resent Your Partner

Resentment is oftentimes the fruit of unresolved issues. When two people in a relationship have their usual flow of communication stifled, you can be confident in the fact that resentment is lurking nearby.  So what is resentment, and how can you identify in yourself while in your relationship?  In simplest terms, resentment is the negative …

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