7 Common Mistakes Couples Make During Intimacy And How To Fix Them

Common mistakes couples make during intimacy and how to fix them

Just as roses have thorns, so does marriage. It is beautiful but has its own ups and downs. There’ll be disagreements and fights, but there’ll also be make-up, kisses, and sex. Sex plays a very important role in every marriage—acting as a bonding technique, stress reliever, and an emotional outlet for sorting out some issues …

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If Your Husband Does These 7 Things, He’s Secretly Unhappy

If your husband does these things, he's secretly unhappy

Sometimes, figuring out a man’s emotions can feel like watching a movie shot in an unfamiliar language without subtitles. It’s just like rocket science—not easy to understand. This is especially true if he is conditioned to withdraw and not express his emotions whenever he encounters difficulties. Rather than open up to his wife about whatever …

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9 Things Your Husband Wants to Hear During Intimacy

Things your husband wants to hear during intimacy

There are things that seem right to be said and also fit the occasion perfectly when you’re being intimate with your spouse.  When spoken during intimacy, these words make the experience more arousing, sensual, and memorable.  It doesn’t matter whether they’re naughty or sweet; saying and hearing these words definitely makes sexual intimacy better.  Saying …

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7 Signs Your Husband Is Pretending To Be Happy 

Signs your husband is pretending to be happy

Some time ago, I went to see my mentor in his office. While waiting at the reception for my turn to see him, a young man came in, and the atmosphere changed immediately due to his rambunctious nature. He was everywhere, greeting people, laughing out loud, and throwing in one word or two to ongoing …

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7 Signs Your Husband No Longer Enjoys Your Company

Companionship is an important part of marriage.  There’s a satisfaction that comes with knowing that you can confide in your spouse, talk about anything with them, be yourself around them, and generally enjoy their company as much as they do yours.  Love might likely fade in a marriage; it’s mostly the friendship and companionship between …

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11 Things A Faithful Husband Will Never Do To His Wife

Things a faithful husband will never do to his wife

Being faithful is an important and commendable trait in every type of relationship.  It shows that one is committed, trustworthy, and loyal to their partner.  In marriage, faithfulness encompasses every dimension—being faithful to your spouse physically, exclusive with them emotionally, and dedicated to them mentally.  Faithfulness is one of the key ingredients in every successful …

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7 Things You Should Never Stop Doing For Your Husband

Things you should never stop doing for your husband

My friends threw me a surprise bachelorette party on the eve of my wedding, and it was one of the sweetest things they’ve ever done for me.  One of the things that made it interesting and special was that they found a way to invite some of our older female married friends, and I’m grateful …

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8 Signs You Married the Wrong Person

Signs you married the wrong person

In the part of the world where I live, there is a high expectation and pressure on people, especially women in their 30s, to get married. Somehow, it has affected the statistics of broken women or broken marriages and has led to a lot of societal pressure on individuals. This societal pressure often stems from …

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