The Happiest Wives In The World Have These 12 Habits

The Happiest Wives in the World Have These 12 Habits

Simple daily habits have a way of contributing to an overall happy, healthy, and thriving life. Certain practices have over time proven to create the happiest wives in the world. These women adhere to these practices and create a blossoming and happy life for themselves. You can be one of the happiest wives in the …

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10 Signs Of A Selfish Husband In Marriage

How Long Does It Take To Forgive Someone For Cheating?

“The poison of selfishness destroys the world.” —Catherine of Siena As true as this quote is, it’s even truer in the context of marriage. Marriage is so deep a union that it can’t be done without a lot of selflessness. Being with a selfish partner takes out of the beauty of marriage and reduces the …

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The Most Resilient Women In The World Embrace These 10 Mindsets

The Most Resilient Women In The World Embrace These 10 Mindsets

Resilience doesn’t come naturally. It is the result of consistently choosing to do the smart thing and never being discouraged even when things are not going the way you want them to. This is true for both genders. However, women especially have to face many challenges, obstacles, and unexpected setbacks in their lives. There is …

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9 Surprising Ways Men Show Their Love Without Saying It

Surprising Ways Men Show Their Love Without Saying It

I have had many conversations with ladies about the men they love, and the common issue I have noticed is that the men are not as verbally expressive as they would want. I know I also often advocate for open communication in relationships. I just want a universe where relationships don’t crash because of a …

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8 Ways Men Protect The Women They Love

Ways Men Protect The Women They Love

One of the instincts that men have is the instinct to protect their loved ones. It is called the Hero Instinct.  As dads, brothers, friends, boyfriends, and husbands, if a man loves a woman, he naturally tries to protect her. Of course, the expression of protection varies on the man, the woman, the situation, and …

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7 Signs That A Woman Has Not Been Sexually Active

signs that a woman has not been sexually active

How can you tell accurately that a woman has not been sexually active? I’ll tell you. Just like men, women are very sexual beings, and when a woman reaches a certain adult age, if she’s healthy, certain things are expected to begin to happen in response to the changes ongoing in her body. However, every …

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