8 Signs He Regrets Breaking Up With You

Breakups are one of the downsides to relationships.

Most of the time, it puts you through an emotional wringer and leaves you questioning the motives and emotions of your former partners.

However, time heals the wounds and scars inflicted on you by toxic relationships.

Even with the healing, you may still spend time wondering what went wrong in your last relationship and whether you were also complicit in the relationship’s failure.

It is perfectly normal to reflect upon past relationships this way.

It helps you learn from past mistakes as you move on.

Another question that comes after some breakups is, “Does my ex regret breaking up with me?”

This is also another normal question, and it arises from your desire for closure.

You must realize that not all exes regret breaking up with you.

This is the same way you probably don’t regret breaking up with some of your exes.

However, if you desire the closure of knowing whether your ex-boyfriend regrets breaking up with you, here are some signs that may be exhibited by an ex who regrets breaking up with you.

8 Signs He Regrets Breaking Up With You

1. He starts communicating with you again

signs he regrets breaking up with you

This particular sign is not for people who are still friends with their ex.

He may have broken up with you some time ago and disappeared without any form of communication, but he suddenly began to contact you recently.

He may be texting or calling you regularly under the guise of checking up on you.

If he continues to communicate with you this way for long, it may be a sign that he regrets breaking up with you.

However, you must be careful not to read too much meaning into his communication.

He may just be reaching out to you because he regrets how he treated you in the relationship and feels guilty.

However, when he exhibits this sign in combination with other signs, you can be sure he regrets breaking up with you.

2. He gets nostalgic

signs he regrets breaking up with you

Relationships are a great way of creating memories; even toxic relationships may have some good ones, too.

It is not unusual for someone who has not yet moved on to get nostalgic over memories from the past.

Does he send you texts reminiscing about the great days you had in the past?

He probably sends you a picture of the both of you on social media and captions it with, ” Remember that one time we went to the beach and…”

Nostalgia is a strong emotion, and when it hits, it brings back all the feelings you experienced in a heightened state and makes you hunger for more.

His sending you all those nostalgic messages and memories is a sign that he regrets breaking up with you.

3. He seems a little too interested in your love life

signs he regrets breaking up with you

This is another vital sign that he regrets breaking up with you.

You may have already moved on to another relationship or may be considering such a move.

If you notice that he is always interested in knowing what is going on in your love life, it may be because he regrets breaking up with you and wants to see if he will soon lose you to another guy.

Interestingly, most exes mostly avoid talking about their love lives to each other because references to it may bring up the hurt of the past.

So, when he seems overly passionate about your love life, it is a surefire sign that he regrets breaking up with you.

4. You keep running into him

signs he regrets breaking up with you


I really don’t want to use the term “stalking,” but that is exactly what it translates into.

You may not think of it as him stalking you at first, but how is it that you just keep running into him all over the place?

He may intentionally hang out at your favorite hangouts, hoping to ” run into you” there.

Even when you are hanging out at new places you discovered at the breakup, he can work out where you spend your time through social media.

The world is too big a place for too many coincidences.

The bottom line is that something’s fishy when the coincidences are too many.

This means that his coincidental meet-ups are actually deliberate attempts to meet with you.

He may also stalk you online by turning on notifications for your posts.

He is the first to see your pictures on social media and almost always reacts with a love reaction and a sweet compliment.

If all of these are happening, then it is no longer so farfetched to believe that he regrets breaking up with you.

5. He tries to show you that he has changed

signs he regrets breaking up with you

This is valid, especially if the breakup was his fault. 

When he starts communicating with you, he begins to reference how he has changed certain habits that you used to find unpleasant.

For instance, if he had anger issues while you were dating, he may make subtle references to how he doesn’t get angry anymore.

If you didn’t like how he never seemed to be able to clean up after himself, he might reference how clean his apartment is now.

He may even pass this message through social media posts, anything to get his message across.

When he does things like this, he is showing that he knows what he did wrong and regrets breaking up with you.

6. He apologizes to you

signs he regrets breaking up with you

If he tries to apologize to you for how things ended, it may be a sign that he regrets breaking up with you.

Doing this, especially if he was the reason for the breakup, gives you closure and also helps you realize that you are not at fault for what went wrong in the relationship.

However, he may not do this because he regrets breaking up with you or how things ended.

7. He compliments you

signs he regrets breaking up with you

Compliments are a great way to appreciate a person.

However, they have another function.

They can serve as a way to gauge interest.

If he genuinely regrets breaking up with you, he will probably start by complimenting you on little things.

He may compliment your personality or a subtle change in your hairstyle.

He could even go further and mention how awesome it was dating you.

The fact is that when a guy regrets breaking up with you, he starts paying you attention.

And these compliments are just signs that he notices the littlest changes in your appearance and personality.

8. He tells you he misses you

Observing his words is one way to determine if he regrets breaking up with you.

Does he tell you that he misses you?

If he does this, then this is one of the signs to note.

He may wish he had been more patient before breaking up with you.

Hence, when he says he misses you, he may be trying to test you to see your reaction.

Whatever you say or do determines his next move.

He may also attempt to flirt with you, hoping you will respond in kind.

Whenever you see an ex doing this, it is a sign that he regrets breaking up with you.

Final Words

After reading through this article, it should be easier for you to spot the signs that he regrets breaking up with you.

However, you must avoid focusing too much on the past.

Instead, your focus should be on the future, and if you are worried that you are not yet over your ex, read this to spot the signs.

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