10 Signs You Are A Good Wife

Are there signs you are a good wife?

Although many people have different opinions about marriage, the signs of a good wife are general.

Almost all men look for certain qualities in the women they want to settle down and build a future with.

However, every marriage needs the efforts and commitment of both parties to achieve a healthy and successful relationship.

Are you a good wife?

That’s the question that brought you to this blog, right?

Let’s get to some signs you are a good wife without future ado.

Enjoy the read!

10 Signs You Are A Good Wife

1. You communicate effectively with your husband

Signs you are a good wife
Top on the list is communication.

Effective communication is important if you’re in any relationship and want it to succeed.

If you’ve been practicing it with your husband.

It’s one of the signs you are a good wife.

The opinion that a partner should know what the other wants and thinks is not valid.

Just like yourself, your husband is not a mind reader.

You might know each other’s preferences, interests, and likes, but not their feelings and thoughts at every point.

Communicating effectively with him means that you let him in on your thoughts, feelings, and expectations of him and your marriage.

Don’t hesitate to talk about any issue of concern with your husband.

Discuss with him.

Avoid giving him silent treatment – it’ll only make matters worse.

Never leave him guessing your wants and needs.

Always have a clear mind towards him.

2. You respect him

Respecting your husband is one of the signs you are a good wife.

Some of the best marriages are the ones in which the couples respect each other.

You acknowledge that your husband is a different individual with imperfections, and vice versa.

You respect him first for who he is and not only for what he does for the family.

You must respect each other if your marriage must be successful.

And it shows in how you speak and relate with each other.

Do not humiliate, belittle, or abuse your husband in any way, publicly or privately.

Think before you speak.

Watch what you say and the tone you use to say it.

Insults should be a no-no in your marriage.

3. You’re supportive of him

Signs you are a good wife
Your husband needs your support in his pursuits, be it a hobby or career.

Are you supportive of your husband?

Then, you’re a good wife to him.

Being supportive isn’t only about standing by your partner during difficult times in a marriage.

You must also praise and appreciate him whenever he has a new achievement, tries something new, or overcomes a challenge.

It also looks like calling out his recessive traits by showing you believe in him.

Also, note that being supportive doesn’t always have to be saying nice things to him.

You can offer constructive criticism to help him improve in his endeavors.

4. You appreciate him

Signs you are a good wife
One of the signs you are a good wife is that you’re appreciative of your husband.

Men also need to be appreciated, loved, and praised.

Use every opportunity to tell him you appreciate everything he does for you, the children, and the family.

Just like anyone else, praising him encourages him to keep doing more.

It also passes the message that his efforts are seen and appreciated.

5. You’re his best friend

Signs you are a good wife
You’ll enjoy your marriage better if you are each other’s best friend.

Nothing feels better than being in love with and married to your best friend.

This type of love is genuine, solid, and deep.

Cultivating a healthy friendship between your husband and yourself will make a lot of difference in your marriage.

Marriage is mainly about companionship.

So, you and your husband must create an atmosphere where you can share anything.

6. You show interest in his interests

Signs you are a good wife
You must not be interested in your husband’s likes and don’t have to do all of them.

However, you must show interest in whatever he’s doing and let him pursue his interests.

Ask him random questions about the hobby, book, or game he’s interested in.

Do you do this?

It’s one of the signs you are a good wife.

You can go a step further by researching his interests.

By doing so, you’ll have some knowledge and be able to have little conversations about them.

7. You listen to your husband

Signs you are a good wife
If you listen to your husband, it’s a sign that you’re a good wife.

Listening is an important ingredient for effective communication.

Maybe it’s even more important than talking.

You need to listen and understand whenever your husband is talking.

Make conscious efforts to achieve it.

Don’t just listen to hear him and form a response.

Give him your undivided attention during a conversation – turn off the TV, put your phone down, or stay away from any form of distractions.

By doing this, he’ll see how much you respect him.

Listening doesn’t necessarily mean that you always agree with him.

But listening to him shows that you honor and love him even if you disagree with what he’s saying.

8. You’re honest with him

Signs you are a good wife
Honesty is the foundation for a trusting relationship.

For a marriage to last, it must be based on open communication and honesty and have no place for lies or cheating.

It would be best to be truthful and honest with your husband and vice versa.

Note that being truthful doesn’t mean you must say everything that comes to your mind.

It’s not always easy to be honest– some truths can upset your partner and cause fights between you.

However, dishonesty can destroy a relationship to the point that you’ll find it difficult to trust each other anymore.

Being honest with your husband is one of the signs you are a good wife.

Can he trust that you will always be honest with him no matter what?

9. You keep the romance alive

Signs you are a good wife
Are you keeping the fire of romance burning in your marriage?

Then, you’re probably a good wife.

Lack of romance in a marriage hastens its end.

It would help if you stepped up the romance by taking it a notch or two higher.

It’s not every day that’s an exciting one in marriage.

Boredom will creep in at some point when you have a routine and do the same things every day.

What, then, do you do to deal with boredom?

Have fun, and include your husband in your plans.

Plan movie nights; take dance classes together; go on road trips, picnics, tours, and dates together; and attend yoga classes together.

Go back to your drawing board and get back to the basics.

Spice up things in the bedroom.

Flirt with him.

Touch him lovingly.

Steal kisses out of the blue.

Take the lead in the bedroom sometimes.

When you take the lead in lovemaking or romance, it doesn’t automatically make you needy.

Go ahead and carry out that romantic idea that lit up in your head.

He’s your husband, after all.

10. You are his confidant

One of the signs you are a good wife is that your husband can entrust his deepest thoughts, feelings, and mistakes to you.

He knows he is safe with you and will not be judged or ridiculed when he needs a safe place to unburden.

Many husbands will never share what they are going through with their wives for apparent reasons.

However, if your husband can trust you as a confidant, then you are a good wife to him.


While being a good woman is relative, being a good wife is specific and doesn’t need so much examination to point out.

Are you a good wife?

I’m sure you’ve gotten the answer from the signs you are a good wife listed above.


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