What Happens When You Stop Giving Him Attention? – 12 Likely Things

Perhaps you like a guy and have been giving him attention.

But he seems not to notice you, or rather, he refuses to reciprocate the attention.

So, what happens when you stop giving him attention?

Everyone wants their heart desires to be fulfilled, and most times, the quickest way to make it happen is by chasing it.

And it involves putting in effort and giving attention to it till you get it.

The same applies to relationships.

You give attention to the man of your dreams till he notices you.

In this case, you’re not getting attention back.

What next?

Can you relate to this?

What happens when you stop giving him attention?

Let’s see.

What Happens When You Stop Giving Him Attention?: 12 Things 

1. You find out his true feelings for you

What happens when you stop giving him attention
If you stop giving a guy attention, you’ll know how he truly feels about you.

His reaction to your not giving him attention anymore will tell you whether he cares about you.

And it’ll save you the time that you’d have used to be guessing whether he has good intentions for you.

2. He misses you

What happens when you stop giving him attention
If you stop giving attention to a man who is conscious of your presence in his life, he’ll start missing you.

He’ll miss the regular random calls and text messages that you used to shower attention on him.

He’ll realize that he enjoyed the attention you showered on him.

Also, he’ll figure out that he no longer has the assured feeling that someone out there cares for him.

Quit giving him attention and watch him miss your presence and influence on his life.

3. You take back control of your life

When you give a guy so much attention when he’s not interested in you, you give him control over you.

From that moment, you’re no longer in control of your life around him, as you’re only interested in pleasing him, even if it’s at your detriment.

But when you stop giving him attention and start putting more focus on yourself, you regain control of your life.

4. He begins to value you

What happens when you stop giving him attention
A guy will realize your worth when you stop giving him attention.

Once you stop wasting your time on him and start taking good care of yourself, your value will increase in his eyes.

Because you’ve given him attention in the past, he has firsthand experience of how you should be treated.

And by cutting off the attention you give him, he figures out that you’ll not settle for anything less than you offered him.

5. Your life becomes more interesting

What happens when you stop giving him attention
What happens when you stop giving him attention?

Your life becomes more interesting because you fall in love with yourself and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

You start enjoying life and savoring every moment of it.

It won’t be out of place to say that it’s one of the best things you get when you stop giving a guy attention.

The spotlight is no longer on him, and you no longer have to displease yourself to please him.

You’ll explore your interests, find out interesting things about yourself that you never paid attention to, and live your best life on your terms.

6. He’ll start giving you attention

What happens when you stop giving him attention
A relationship or friendship is two-way; both parties must try to make it work.

But it becomes tedious when you’re the only one putting in all the effort.

If he cares about you and you stop giving him attention, he’ll start giving you attention because he has sensed your withdrawal and doesn’t want to lose you.

Watch him step up to what he should be doing.

Sometimes, all it’ll take for someone to value your presence in their life is withdrawing from them.

7. You have time for other people

What happens when you stop giving him attention
When you stop giving him attention, you create time for other people in your life.

I can imagine how much you neglected your family, friends, and other loved ones when you were busy falling over yourself to give attention to a guy.

You’ll notice everyone important to you and loves you genuinely, but you drifted away from them because you were too engrossed in the attention you were showing him.

Now, you have all the time in the world to fix your relationship with them and cherish every moment you spend with them.

8. You get more time to yourself

What happens when you stop giving him attention
One thing that happens when you stop giving him attention is that you get more time to yourself.

Now that your focus is no longer on him, it’ll shift to developing yourself, your interests, your career, and your goals.

When you cut your attention from him, you divert your energy to other productive things, such as pursuing your interests and valuing yourself more.

9. Other men have a chance with you

What happens when you stop giving him attention
Another thing that happens when you stop giving him attention is that other men have a chance with you.

You couldn’t see anyone else when you were showering your attention on him.

But now that you’ve kicked him out of your line of focus, you’ll notice other men who are interested in you.

Sometimes, the one who has your attention is not the right fit for you.

There are still good men who can reciprocate the attention you have to give and give you a loving, successful, and healthy relationship.

10. You regain your self-worth

What happens when you stop giving him attention
Giving a guy all your attention and getting nothing in return takes a huge toll on you.

It’s a rough phase to go through.

You’ll question yourself and everything you believe in because the guy isn’t reciprocating the attention he’s getting from you.

The worst part is that he may not respect you because he believes you like him too much to walk away from such emotional manipulation.

And this will downgrade your self-worth.

But when you stop giving him attention, you’re re-validating yourself and projecting that you deserve nothing but the best in life.

11. You’ll experience growth

What happens when you stop giving him attention
Deciding to stop giving attention to a man you’ve liked and admired for a long time takes a high level of self-confidence and determination.

When you stop giving him attention, you’ll step into a new phase of your life and won’t be the same person anymore.

At that point, you’ll realize your value and worth and will not tolerate being disrespected in that manner ever again.

12. He moves on

What happens when you stop giving him attention
When you stop giving a guy attention that he’s not reciprocating, you get rid of someone who never cared about you in the first place.

Perhaps he didn’t care about you and only used you to boost his ego.

If this is the case, he’ll move on once he sees you no longer giving him attention.

Well, good riddance.

You deserve more than the barest minimum.


If you’ve been wondering what happens when you stop giving him attention, this article has shown you some things that can happen.

And there’s nowhere it says that either of you will die.

Your life must go on, with or without him.

So, since he is not reciprocating your attention, stop giving him attention and move on to greater things.

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