When A Guy Wants To Come Over Your House – 6 Possible Meanings

At some point in every girl’s life, a guy will want to come over to their house.

This is a normal phenomenon.

It doesn’t matter if you just met the guy, just started talking to him, or if you’ve known him for some time and are just acquaintances.

Even if you’ve known him long enough that you’re now friends and in a relationship with him, it will happen eventually.

So, what does it mean if he says that he wants to come to your house?

Every action has a reason, and this is not an exception to the rule.

There are several reasons a guy will want to come to your house.

Sometimes, it depends on your relationship with him.

But, hey!

Enough with the guesswork already!

Why guess when we actually have answers to your questions?

Read on to satisfy your curiosity.

When A Guy Wants To Come Over Your House- 6 Possible Meanings

1. He wants to have sex with you

When a guy wants to come over your house
If a guy wants to come over to your house and you either just started talking to him or you’ve known him for some time and are well acquainted, it can mean one thing.

He wants to have sex with you.

Sometimes, even when some of your male friends ask to come over, it may be the reason they have in mind, too.

Perhaps you’re friends with benefits with him, or he believes that two people of the opposite gender can’t be good friends without having carnal knowledge of each other.

This reason is not binding on every unfamiliar and semi-familiar guy who wants to come to your house.

Although there are other valid reasons why a man (who is not in a relationship with you, by the way) will want to come to your house.

Having sex with you is generally and easily the first reason that comes to mind whenever such a proposition is made.

I mean, why not?

There are a million and one places you can hang out and talk for someone you’re not close to. 

It doesn’t have to be in your home.

Well, except he wants to have sex with you in your comfort zone so that you’ll feel comfortable enough to give in to his advances.

Your home is meant to be your safe space, your sanctuary.

It would be best to keep it safe by limiting the number of people who know and come into it.

Except when necessary, strangers and even some people you know have no business with coming to your house.

2. He wants to leave your friend zone

When a guy wants to come over your house
No guy wants to be in the friend zone of a lady he likes.

To them, being in the friend zone is like being imprisoned with no hope of ever gaining freedom.

So, if he likes you and notices that you left him in your friend zone, he’ll want to get out of there as soon as possible.

One of the ways he hopes to achieve it is by spending time with you in your comfort zone.

This is where visiting you in your house comes in.

He believes your perspective of him will likely change if he can spend time with you alone or in the comfort of your house.

He knows he’ll get your attention and perhaps get the time to bond with you there.

So, he’ll ask to visit you at your house.

3. He wants to get serious with you

When a guy wants to come over your house
Perhaps you’ve known this guy for some time.

You know of his interest in you, but he has not acted on it or spoken up.

Maybe he hasn’t shown any seriousness when it comes to wanting to be with you.

Then, out of the blue, he says he wants to come to your house.

Just like that.

He has likely made up his mind to be with you, and he wants it to be an exclusive relationship.

He wants to come to your house to spend time with you and see a part of you that’s not accessible to people who are on the outside.

He wants to know what your home looks like, how you act at home, how you spend your time, and take note of your interactions with your friends and family.

He wants to have a general overview of who he wants to get serious with.

If his mind isn’t made up already, what he sees during his visit to your house will help him decide.

4. He wants to be a part of your life

When a guy wants to come over your house
Another reason a guy will ask to come to your house is to get familiar with you.

He wants to be a part of your life and believes that the best way to achieve it is by being around you constantly, including in your home.

You may wave it off as nothing because he may not always be in your face.

He may not drop by your house daily or even want to hang out with you every weekend.

There’s a Nigerian adage, ‘Na from clap dance dey start’ (Meaning that big things usually start out in little ways).

Is this what you want?

Are you sure you want to give this guy access to your life and home?

It usually starts as a harmless visit; before you know it, he has become an integral part of your life.

5. He wants to meet your family

When a guy who has been your friend shows interest in coming to your place, it may be because he is investigating your roots.

This is particularly true in African settings where the young lady still lives with her parents.

Perhaps, he likes you and wants to be more than a casual friend, but he seeks to meet your family to have a feel of where you are from.

6. He feels lonely

When a guy wants to come over your house
A guy may want to come to your house because he feels lonely.

Perhaps he’s on the shy, quiet, and reserved side.

But feeling lonely is not the main part.

The back story is that he thinks you’re fun to be around, finds you interesting, feels you’re a great conversationalist, and generally likes you.

No guy who feels lonely will opt to stay around anyone who won’t make them feel better.

So, if you like him and his company, you should be okay with spending time with him.

It takes a lot of courage for guys like this to ask to come over to your house.

However, don’t lead him on if you don’t like him.

Possible Responses When A Guy Wants To Come Over Your House

1. Respond in the affirmative

When a guy wants to come over your house
If you welcome his coming to your house, you’ll respond in the affirmative when he asks.

Invite him over and tell him that you’ll be delighted to play host to him.

Let him know that he’s not imposing the visit on you and that you look forward to his visit.

2. Decline politely

When a guy wants to come over your house
If a guy asks to come to your house and you’re not feeling up to it for some reason, all you have to do is decline politely.

Perhaps you don’t want him around.

You talk more of having him in your personal space.

Or you don’t like him outrightly.

Whichever the case, ensure you’re polite when turning him down.

And please, say no to him on the spot.

The more time you waste before saying no, the more you think of excuses about why you should let him into your space, even when you don’t like him, so that he doesn’t feel bad about the rejection.

And the more it gets difficult actually to say no to him.



As a lady, you must experience one or two occasions when guys want to visit your house.

This article embodies the possible meanings of this request.

If you read to this point, it means that you also saw the appropriate responses to give to different guys who ask.

It all depends on your relationship with them and how much you like them.

I trust that you’ll put your discretion to good use.


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