Why Do Guys Never Text First? The 14 Reasons Why

I know we often say, ”ladies first,” but when it comes to who should do the chasing, we expect guys to take the initiative and text first!

Don’t men love the chase?

Don’t they feel empowered when they are the ones to make a move first?

So why do guys never text first? 

Why Do Guys Never Text First?

1. Fear of Coming off Too Strong

Let’s start with a little empathy here.

Imagine being the guy who doesn’t want to come off too strong and scare away a potential interest.

They’ve heard the tales of “clingy guys” who send a barrage of messages, and they don’t want to be ‘that guy.’

They’re just trying to play it cool and tread lightly.

Can you blame them?

We girls don’t like guys who come on too strong, either.


2. They’re Just Not That Into Texting

Why Do Guys Never Text First?

Not everyone is glued to their phones.

Some guys prefer a good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation or even a call over a text message.

It could be that they don’t like texting and feel more comfortable with other forms of communication.

Someone like my husband will always call rather than text, and I don’t just get it because I’d rather do the opposite.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

And just because he doesn’t text first doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t interested.


3. Playing The Waiting Game

Some men believe that delaying their response to text messages can increase intrigue and anticipation.

Even though this strategy is as old as the Flintstones, some guys still believe it works.

They think it gives them an air of mystery and sophistication.


4. He’s Afraid of Rejection

No one likes rejection.

And guys?

They’ve got feelings too.

The fear of sending a message and not getting a response, or worse, being outright rejected, can be paralyzing.

So instead of texting first, he’ll just wait and see if you reach out first.

He might even be hoping that you do so that he can feel more secure in knowing that you’re interested as well.


5. Overthinking The Perfect Message 

Why Do Guys Never Text First?

Some men, like an author staring at a blank page, can get trapped in their heads trying to craft the perfect message.

The pressure to be funny, charming, and interesting in a handful of characters can be overwhelming.

And unfortunately, this can lead to him never actually getting around to sending the message.

He might even send it but then immediately delete it for fear that it isn’t witty enough or doesn’t convey how he truly feels. 


6. He Wants to See If You’re Interested

Some guys like to test the waters and gauge your interest level.

If you’re texting first, they interpret that as a positive sign that you’re into them.

It’s a self-assurance thing, and it’s their way of avoiding potential embarrassment. 


Can you blame them?

You’d probably do the same.


7. The Fear of Interrupting

Why Do Guys Never Text First?

No one likes to be a bother, and many guys worry about interrupting your day with a text.

They might think you’re busy and don’t want to seem intrusive.

So they wait for you to text first when you have time.

Honestly, I can relate to this one. 

I’m the same way.

I hate to intrude on someone’s day with a text.


8. They Forget 

Why Do Guys Never Text First?

To be frank, some guys are just forgetful.

He might have meant to text you first thing in the morning, but then his alarm didn’t go off, he couldn’t find his keys, and the next thing he knew, it was midnight.

We’re all human, after all.

I know, I know.

If you are really important in his life, he will not forget about you completely. 

But sometimes, it’s easy to let things slip away when life gets busy and overwhelming. 

So it’s understandable if this occasionally happens.


9. The ‘Chase’ Mentality 

Some guys believe in the outdated notion that they should always be chased, not the chasers.

It’s a bit of an ego trip.

If a guy doesn’t text first, he might be subscribing to this ideology.

He believes that if he shows too much interest, then it will make him look weak, and the last thing he wants is for you to think that.

So, instead, he’ll wait for you to reach out first and then act interested in what you have to say. 


11. He’s Unsure of Where You Stand

Why Do Guys Never Text First?

Uncertainty can lead to inaction.

When you are not sure of someone’s feelings, you might hesitate to call, text, or even ask them out.

A guy might want to know where he stands with you before he reaches out and makes a move. 

If he is not sure how you feel about him, rather than take a leap of faith, he might opt to hold back and not text first. 


12. He Wants to Avoid Seeming Controlling 

A guy might not text first because he doesn’t want to appear controlling.

He knows that if he always takes the lead, it can be intimidating and make you feel like you have no choice but to follow his lead. 

So he may not want to seem like he’s always dictating the pace and timing of your interactions.

Rather than stifle your autonomy or control, he will let you take the lead in communication and allow you to make the first move. 

This way, it ensures that you both have space and freedom to express yourself without any pressure from him. 


13. He’s Used to You Texting First

Why Do Guys Never Text First?

Habits are hard to break.

If you’ve always been the one to initiate the conversation, he might simply be used to that dynamic.

It might not cross his mind to change up the pattern, especially if it seems to be working for both of you.

Relationship is work!

It takes a lot of effort to keep things running. 

So if you’ve always been the one initiating texts, he might have become lazy instead of making the effort to switch up the pattern. 


14. He’s Just Not That Into You

Sorry, this point may sound a bit brutal, but I’d rather hurt you with the truth instead of comforting you with a lie.   

If a guy is not texting first, it could be because he’s just not that into you.

It’s complicated, but it’s that simple. 

Fine, you’ve had a few nice conversations, or he likes your company when you’re together.

But if he’s not making the effort to show it by texting first, he might not be that into you.


So, these are the common reasons guys might not text first.

These are general observations anyway, and not every guy will fit into these categories.

But if you want to know the exact reasons a guy isn’t texting first, then you should ask him.

It might be scary, but at least you’ll know what’s going on in his head, and depending on the reason(s) he gives, you can decide if he’s worth pursuing or if it’s better to move on. 

All I know is that it doesn’t make sense if one person is always texting first.

That’s how one-sided relationships start, and trust me, I wouldn’t wish it on my enemy.

If a guy really wants you, he should put his money where his mouth is and take the initiative sometimes.

You should never feel like you’re chasing after someone, especially if it’s for something as simple as sending a text. 



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