Why Do I Want My Boyfriend To Cheat On Me?

Have you asked yourself, “Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me?”

Are you wondering if it’s normal?

Many relationships kick-off when a guy and lady start regarding each other as more than friends.

You start dating, and everything progresses fine.

Then, at a point, you think of something weird and unusual but real.

The thought of your boyfriend cheating on you crosses your mind, but instead of freaking out, it excites you.

Reread it – you want your boyfriend to cheat on you.

So, you’re wondering if everything is okay with you because cheating is the leading cause of relationship breakups and should be avoided at all costs in relationships.

But here you are, excited at the thought of your boyfriend cheating on you.

Let’s see some possible reasons you feel this way instead of the opposite.

Why Do I Want My Boyfriend To Cheat On Me?: 9 Reasons

1. The relationship is just a game to you

Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me
Different people get into relationships for various reasons.

While some people are in relationships to enjoy basic necessities (shocking, right? I know.), some are there to be popular.

Perhaps you just thought to join the dating pool since everyone else seems to be in a relationship.

For this reason, you won’t be in a relationship for love or commitment.

You only want to date for the joy, thrill, and excitement it brings.

Your aim for being in a relationship is to experience many things, especially delightful ones.

I’ll tell you this for free – if you eventually get into a relationship with a man you love, your heart will break into a million pieces if he cheats on you, even if cheating isn’t your deal breaker.

So, you want your boyfriend to cheat on you because you’re not into him – it’s all fun and games to you.

2. You’re tired of the relationship

Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me
One of the possible reasons why you want your boyfriend to cheat on you is that you’re tired of the relationship.

It’s not out of place for someone to get tired of a relationship that has been on for a long time.

The truth is that bickering constantly and working things out with your partner consumes a lot of energy, even if you act like everything is okay to outsiders.

You can be fed up with maintaining a relationship, especially if the effort is one-sided.

If you’ve gotten to this point in your relationship, you may be just looking for an excuse to break up with your boyfriend.

You want him to cheat on you so that you’ll end things with him.

3. You want to start a new relationship

Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me
If you want your boyfriend to cheat on you, it may be that you want to begin a new relationship, with a new partner, of course.

You’re done with the relationship in your mind and have mapped out plans to move on to a new love affair ASAP (As soon as possible).

In this case, you know cheating is a bad idea, and you don’t want to be the offender.

So you think it’ll be better for your boyfriend to cheat so that you’ll find out and break up with him.

Or you hope he’ll find someone else, cheat and break up with you.

4. You’ve lost passion for the relationship

Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me
You’re no longer passionate about the relationship, especially if it’s been going on for quite some time.

You used to love him, but it doesn’t feel like that to you these days.

You want to break up but have no tangible reason for it.

Also, you don’t want to be in his (and, of course, some other people’s) bad books if you end the relationship for no reason.

So, sometimes you wish he’ll cheat so that you’ll have something to hold on to as a reason for your break up.

5. You want to prove a point

Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me
You might also want your boyfriend to cheat on you just to prove a point to someone.

Perhaps you’ve talked with someone about moving on after a relationship break-up.

And while the person believes that it’s difficult to move on after a breakup, you think they’re just being extra about breakups.

You think breakups are not a big deal and moving on should be easy.

So, you want to use your relationship to experiment with your claims.

That way, you’ll experience heartbreak and moving on so that you’ll get to know how it actually feels.

If you ask me, it’s not a worthy reason for wanting your boyfriend to cheat on you.

6. You’re incompatible

Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me
Maybe you’re incompatible with your boyfriend, and you found out after getting into the relationship.

Yes, it’s a valid reason to beat yourself up for not doing your homework well enough on your boyfriend before agreeing to a relationship.

Now that you’re in the relationship, you’re looking for different ways to get him off your back.

Perhaps you’ve done other things, such as pissing him off, hurting his feelings, and always messing things up just to get him to call off the relationship.

He may know that both of you are incompatible, but you might have admirable qualities keeping him with you.

Or it can be that he loves you beyond reason and has decided to stick with you, no matter how incompatible you are.

You might have even tried to break up with him, but he’s having none of it.

At this point, your frustration and desperation to get a break up is at its peak.

So, you opt for wishing that he cheats on you.

You might even go the extra mile of setting him up with a girl so that he cheats easily.

Oh well, anything to cause a breakup.

7. He was just a rebound

Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me
One of the possible reasons why you may want your boyfriend to cheat on you is that he was just a rebound from your past relationship.

Maybe you were very hurt from your last relationship breakup and only got together with him to help you cushion the effect of the breakup.

His presence at that time also helped you quickly move on with your life.

Now that you’re in good shape, you feel you no longer need him.

You might even catch yourself sizing him up and beating yourself up for getting together with him in the first place, probably because he’s not the type of guy you’ll date ordinarily.

It’s true that he helped you move on from your past relationship, but his work is done.

You want to end things with him but need a valid reason, especially if he has been good to you.

So, here you are, wishing and hoping that he cheats on you so that you’ll get a valid reason to break up with him.

8. You are cheating on him

Another reason you may want your boyfriend to cheat on you is because you are already cheating on him.

Perhaps you have two or more other guys on the side, and the idea of your boyfriend being loyal to you makes you uneasy.

You want him to cheat on you so everyone is now even and tone down the relationship’s seriousness.

He may be seeking a committed relationship, while you want an open relationship where you are at liberty to date, other people.

9. You don’t believe in relationships

You may want your boyfriend to cheat on you because of your ideology about relationships.

You will naturally expect something to fail when you don’t believe in it.

If you are a lady who believes that “all men are dogs,” “no relationship lasts,” “guys are all the same” and so on.

You may naturally begin to expect your boyfriend to cheat on you because of that subconscious mindset you have.

The root cause of this mindset can be a traumatic childhood or the loss of loved ones in the past.

If you have not healed from the pain of the trauma and grief, you may carry the baggage into your relationship, and this can make you expect your boyfriend to cheat on you.

Professional counseling and therapy are options you should explore for healing and wholeness.


Building and maintaining a healthy and successful relationship takes a lot of commitment and effort.

If you’re in a relationship and see the need for your boyfriend to cheat on you, then you need to take a step back and reevaluate your relationship.

It might sound weird, but there are other women like you who want their boyfriends to cheat on them.

If you’re asking, “Why do I want my boyfriend to cheat on me?” this article is for you.

We’ve dealt with some possible reasons why you want this to happen.

I hope this piece provides you with the answers you seek.

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