When A Married Man Keeps Cheating With The Same Woman – 8 Things It Means

In most marriages where cheating has happened, it is a one-off thing that happens randomly.

That way, it can be tagged as a mistake, be talked about, forgiven, and moved past in the marriage.

However, there’s definitely more than meets the eye when a married man keeps cheating with the same woman.

Is this a situation you have on your hands and don’t know how best to proceed?

Before you look for solutions, it’ll be good for you to have a better and more precise understanding of why it seems like your husband is overly attached to this woman.

It’ll help you know how best to approach the situation.

Without further ado, let’s look at the things it means when a married man keeps cheating with the same woman.

When A Married Man Keeps Cheating With The Same Woman: 8 Things It Means

1. The affair is convenient for him

When a married man keeps cheating with the same woman: things it means
One of the things it means when a married man keeps cheating with the same woman is that the affair is convenient for him.

Most times, you don’t need to overthink things.

The answer you seek may not be complicated but simple.

Perhaps that woman is too willing to be with him and is always available whenever he wants to spend time with her.

Given this arrangement, he’ll feel so at home with her that it’ll be difficult for him to think of or even start searching for her replacement.

I mean, what else does a man possibly want in an affair if not availability and willingness to serve him?

This woman gives it to him on a platter, so he’ll be foolish to want to leave her for someone else.

Besides, he doesn’t know if any new woman will be as good or even better than his present mistress.

It’s a case of ‘the angel, you know.’

He’ll remain with her because he knows the grass is not always greener on the other side.

2. He’s connected with her emotionally

When a married man keeps cheating with the same woman: things it means
Let’s face the reality here.

When a married man keeps cheating with the same woman, maybe, for years, it’s more than just a mere fling.

There’s a high chance that he has an emotional connection with her.

We’re talking about an affair that has become long-term here.

Even the duration should let you know that there might be something more than just a sexual attraction between them.

Perhaps, due to their time together, they became friends and bonded over similar interests, personal problems, goals, dreams, achievements, or love.

These two have their little world away from ours, and whenever they’re together, they feel accomplished and fulfilled.

Not even his wife can give him that kind of feeling, and that’s why it looks like he’s stuck with this one mistress.

It’s because they have an emotional connection between them.

3. He’s not ready to leave her

When a married man keeps cheating with the same woman: things it means
This is a typical example of eating your cake and wanting to have it still.

Here, the married man doesn’t want to let his mistress go, nor does he want to leave his wife.

It can be that he has feelings for both women and is not ready to let any of them go.

The idea of not having one or either of them in his life troubles him.

So, he resorts to running two relationships concurrently with them – his marriage and an affair.

If you’ve seen your husband has been cheating on a particular woman frequently, it might be the case.

You may find that even after warning him to stop seeing her and threatening to leave him if he doesn’t.

This is because he can’t seem to detach himself from her.

4. He feels stuck with her

When a married man keeps cheating with the same woman: things it means
Have you thought about the possibility of him feeling stuck with her?


It’s a thing, and it may be what’s obtainable in this case.

As I mentioned earlier, he might be with her out of convenience and will be scared of what to expect when he decides to get a change of mistress.

Another angle is that he might want out of the relationship, but she’s using emotional blackmail to keep him with her.

In addition, if she has nothing to lose and he stands to lose everything, she might threaten to go public with their affair if he leaves her.

This is especially true if he’s a public figure.

5. He has a mutual arrangement with her

When a married man keeps cheating with the same woman: things it means
Sometimes, when a married man keeps cheating with the same woman, he has a mutual agreement with her.

She might even be in a relationship and is only with your husband because they have an understanding, coupled with the things she can gain from their arrangement.

They may agree not to leave their partners and only get together to have fun from time to time.

Both of them may be open to offering each other every form of support whenever necessary.

With this type of arrangement, a married man can have an affair without the guilt weighing on him too much.

Also, it makes it easier for him to stick with the woman since she perfectly understands and sticks to the terms of their arrangement.

6. He enjoys being desired by two women

When a married man keeps cheating with the same woman: things it means
This married man may thoroughly enjoy the feeling of being desired by two women.

He might be using the experience to give his ego a boost.

He knows his wife and the other woman have feelings for him, and he loves the unspoken tussle between them for his love, affection, and attention.

To a great extent, he has control and power over these women because of the feelings they have for him.

And he’ll leverage the competition between them over him to keep the other woman in his life simply because he loves the feeling of being desired by two women.

He doesn’t want the feeling to stop.

7. He has a baby with her

If he has a baby with her, chances are he will keep returning to her because of his son or daughter.

The child they have together creates a unique bond in their relationship.

Yes, most men don’t joke with their kids, but their baby mamas may also be beneficiaries of the love and bond they have with their kids.

Yes, some people say that a child changes things in a relationship.

It is very accurate in this case.

8. He thinks he’s smart enough not to get caught

When a married man keeps cheating with the same woman: things it means
One of the things it means when a married man keeps cheating with the same woman is that he thinks he’s smart enough not to get caught.

Over time, he may have become so good at telling lies and devising other means to cover his tracks whenever he wants to meet with this woman.

He does it so well that he gives himself a pat on the back each time you question his moves and whereabouts, and he deceives you into believing that he is doing something noble.

The thrill of not getting caught and literally getting away with cheating whenever he meets up with the other woman will make him want to remain with her.

He sees himself as a Lord in the cheating game.

He thinks all his lies and gimmicks are superb and will continue undetected.

You have seen the things it means when a married man keeps cheating with the same woman.

You’ll discover they’re all simple meanings and nothing complex, contrary to what you may have thought initially.

Armed with these, you’ll know how best to proceed if your husband has been cheating on you with the same woman.

In all this, I’ll advise you to apply wisdom and tact in any approach you choose.

I hope you get the happiness you deserve in the end.

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