Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband? – Reasons, Signs And What To Do About It

Is it normal to get sick of your husband?

Can it be considered normal for a woman who once was head over heels in love with her husband to begin to tire of him suddenly?

Relationships – especially marriage – are dynamic and often require dedication and commitment to thrive.

Of course, every marriage experience goes through seasons, whether or not the partners involved are putting in the work.

It is, therefore, not uncommon for people who were once head-over-heels in love with each other to feel frustrated or overwhelmed by themselves.

So, yes a woman can become sick of her husband.

In this article, we will examine the reasons for this, the signs that a woman is sick of her husband, and recommend solutions to the problem.

10 Reasons A Woman May Become Sick Of Her Husband

1. Unmet expectations

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?


In marriage, couples have expectations of each other, and when these expectations are unmet over time, they can give up altogether.

Since the woman is the focus of this article, if the husband is not playing his role well, his wife, who once loved him, may get pissed and irritated when he is around her.

2. Overwhelm

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?

Being overwhelmed can put you in a state of irritability, even towards those you adore.

A woman may become sick of her husband if she is overwhelmed.

Perhaps the physical, emotional, physiological demands of being a wife and a mother is taking its toll on her.

3. Unending cheating cycle

There is nothing as painful as your husband cheating on you!

If the man is fond of stepping out to cheat on his wife, she might endure and hope he changes for a bit.

One day, she will get tired and hands off the relationship totally.

4. External influences

Marriage is essentially a union of two people.

Still, when the marriage becomes a free for all where other external bodies can influence the decision for long, a time is coming where the woman will be fed up and leave.

In other words, she is now sick of you.

5. Change in season

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?

We already established from the beginning that seasons change in marriage.

One such is the couple’s transition to parenting.

Challenging seasons can arise in marriage, and if one spouse does not perform well in one season, it can affect how the other party feels about them and the marriage as a whole.

6. Financial difficulties

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?

Finance is a crucial part of marriage, and when a husband consistently does not pull his weight in the home, the wife can get sick of him.

Similarly, if the husband is laid back or has unhealthy financial habits like gambling, his wife, after a while of enduring, can get sick of him.

7. Toxic traits

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?

Toxicity stinks badly, and a man who has toxic traits like gaslighting, domestic violence, malice, anger, etc., would wear out even the sweetest of women.

After trying to put up with these toxic traits and gently encouraging change, a time may come when she decides that enough is enough.

She is sick of him.

8. Emotional unavailability

Being married to an emotionally unavailable man is draining!

There is just so much a person can take, and soon enough, the woman may get sick of him and the situation.

9. Lack of growth

Growth is a function of life, and every living thing essentially grows.

If the woman is evolving and growing but the man is anti-growth or change, this may create a gulf in their relationship.

She may eventually get sick of him.

10. Comparison

Comparison is a thief of joy, and many people are deluded by beautiful pictures and videos on social media.

From watching the lives of others, they begin to feel something is missing in theirs.

If care is not taken, a woman like this will soon get sick of her husband because of comparison. 


6 Signs A Woman Is Sick Of Her Husband

1. Increased arguments or conflict

Is it Normal to Get Sick of Your Husband

As long as people are in communication with themselves, there is bound to be conflict.

However, when a woman begins to feel frustrated or resentful towards her husband, it may manifest in more frequent arguments or conflicts.

She may get worked up when he comes around her and become irritable towards him.

There was once a guy who swore his undying love for me.

I couldn’t stand him, which always caused issues between us until I told him to stay clear.

It is the same thing in marriage; arguments will increase if a woman is getting sick of you, and even the slightest action word from you will trigger her.

2. Emotional withdrawal 

Another way to tell if a woman feels sick of her husband is if she withdraws emotionally or stops communicating. 

A husband can’t miss this sign—that his wife, normally his gist partner and bringing all the vibes to the conversation, suddenly becomes uninterested in conversations and starts giving monosyllabic responses.

“What’s wrong, babe?”


This kind of withdrawal will definitely cause a strain in the relationship, leaving her husband feeling constantly disconnected from the marriage or far from his wife. 

3. Loss of interest in spending time together

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?

Of course, if she’s not feeling her husband, she obviously won’t want to spend her time not feeling him.

So, if he wants to know if she’s getting sick of him, he should pay attention to how much time she spends with him now compared to when her groove was on.

Is she avoiding activities they used to enjoy together, making excuses to be alone, or prioritizing other commitments over time with her husband?

Yes, there may be sincere and legitimate reasons for this behavior, but when it becomes recurring, it may indicate that she is weary.

This lack of shared experiences and bonding opportunities, coupled with a lack of communication, can further widen the emotional gap between them and contribute to feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction.

4. Lack of affection or intimacy

Another sign a wife is sick of her husband is the noticeable decline in affection and intimacy.

Any married person knows that shared intimacy is that special ingredient that holds the marriage together.

When a woman who used to lead “the Jeru trip” suddenly becomes log-like and emotionless in “the other room, ” fire is on the mountain.

Some would even communicate their disgust by refusing for the man to touch them.

They’ll become allergic to any expression of love coming from their husband.

This shows she is sick of him.

5. She’ll say it

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?


Most women are expressive, and when a woman is sick of her husband, you can bet that she will tell him.

Beyond the body language and hints, she may say words like “I hate you!”

“I regret ever marrying you!”

“How did I ever get unlucky and end up with you?”

“I hate my life!”

These words are weighty and sure to hurt the husband, but they are expressions of the woman’s true feelings.

She’s sick of her husband and maybe her marriage, too. 

6. Criticism or contemptuous behavior

Being petty for no reason, being unnecessarily mean, and being judgmental are additional signs that a woman may be fed up with her husband or marriage.

You’ll see this play out when she begins to speak to him with harsh words, make belittling comments about him, and display a dismissive attitude toward his thoughts and feelings.

At this point, she stays more focused on her husband’s faults or shortcomings, leading to a negative perception of him and her relationship with him.


“Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?” – 7 Things To Do

If you feel like you are sick of your husband and, by extension, your marriage, it is not a sign to give up yet.

Things can still get better between you.

Let’s look at some things you can do to facilitate this;

1. Practice effective communication

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?

It is normal to want to shut down communication when you are sick of your husband, but that may be counterproductive.

You should express how you feel to him and tell him what he is doing that makes you feel irritated.

He may truly be oblivious to how you feel, and by the way, he is not a mind reader.

So, tell him how you feel.

This will also help him adjust in areas he is defaulting in.

2. Make compromises

If the the woman is sick of her husband due to a change in season or overwhelm then the couple should discuss and make compromises.

Can compromises be made financially for the family?

You need to discuss and agree on that.

Compromises may also look like outsourcing house chores and child care so she gets more rest.

It may also mean the husband stepping in to assist and the family generally embracing a slower pace in their lives. 

I remember when I was overwhelmed with house chores and caring for our child, it made me become a different person until one day, my friend suggested getting a cleaner.

The first day she cleaned the house and washed clothes, I felt so relieved that I woke up with a clear mind the following day.

Rest does wonders for our bodies and minds.

3. Tighten your conflict resolution

When hurts are left to fester, they can degenerate into bitterness.

Sweeping things under the carpet is never the answer, so you need to embrace more effective conflict resolution.

Deal with issues as they come so they don’t become hydra-headed dragons as time passes.

4. Practice gratitude

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?

The practice of gratitude is therapy in itself.

Instead of focusing on the negatives, think about the positives and be thankful for them.

Sometimes, we feel dissatisfied because another person is the benchmark and think we fall short.

What are the amazing things about your husband?

Think about it constantly and be grateful for it.

Take it up a notch by telling and thanking him for the things you love about him.

5. Get professional help

Get professional help, whether it’s a professional counselor or a therapist.

They can help you navigate your feelings and provide helpful recommendations for your unique situation.

6. Invest in self-care

Is It Normal To Get Sick Of Your Husband?


You can’t pour from an empty cup, dear woman.

Maybe the issue isn’t your husband; perhaps the problem is that you are burnt out.

Incorporate self-care into your daily activities and do things that make you happy.

It may be a spa visit, hanging out with friends, a movie date, a weekend staycation, or ME time.

Whatever it is, make it a priority.

7. Make a decision

Ultimately, the ball is in your court now to decide what to do.

If the reason for feeling sick of your husband is connected to physical abuse and narcissism, please consider your mental and physical health first.


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